Transvaginal Mesh Sling for Incontinence
Transvaginal Mesh Sling for Incontinence This note is for any woman who had a procedure that installs a medical device to correct menopausal incontinence using the Transvaginal Mesh Sling for Incontinence. I Am Pissed! After my bladder sling was installed in 2007 within a year, immediately after recovery, I began having painful intercourse and trouble urinating. After the sling was install, I also received two speeding tickets because of the pain associated with the urgency to pee and find a restroom. Due to the pain –it was determined that I should have a CTSCAN; the scan results showed that I had a bladder stone. The fact is folks have stones form in their kidney and sometime in their bladder, or the stone travels from the kidney to the bladder. It is less common for a medical device such as the bladder sling to cause serious damage. Typically, stones are loose in your kidney or bladder this monstrosity is growing through the lining of my bladder. Yes through the bladder. Let me describe the damage, the left side of the sling is corroding and has attached itself to an artery and worked its way through the outer lining of my bladder and formed a large stone that is attached to the inner wall of my bladder. The surgeon must remove a portion of my bladder to remove it. The artery must be addressed, that is why several pints of blood have been ordered. Just in case the corrosion has wrapped itself around the organ. I haven’t even talked about the bowel and vagina yet and I won’t! I am sharing this because today’s quick medical fixes have less to do with solving a problem or an actual cure, it is about money. This piece of crap was not tested thoroughly and female baby boomers were their Ginny pigs. I made a decision to stay away from any so-called fixes for the discomforts of menopause, however peeing anywhere without warning was not only embarrassing, it was not an option!. So I let myself get talked into this fix, well on Tuesday, Nov. 3, I go into surgery to get rid of one side of this sling and a portion of my bladder—the incontinence will return. Is it fixed no! There are many unknown. According to the medical community: Transvaginal Mesh Erosion Erosion is one of the most serious complications of transvaginal mesh surgery. It occurs when the mesh device gradually moves through the vaginal wall and sometimes into surrounding organs. Often, the patient must endure more surgeries to remove the mesh. The adverse reaction that is unique to transvaginal mesh surgery is erosion. This occurs when the mesh device gradually moves through the vaginal wall and sometimes into surrounding organs. Mesh erosion can cause the following complications: Damage to the bladder and/or bowel. (This is me) Recto-vaginal fistula. This is a small tunnel that connects the rectum with the vagina that results from the mesh device having moved out of place. Abscess –This is a pus-filled sore. Intense pain. (this is me) These complications will make it necessary for the patient who had the mesh device implanted to have additional surgeries to remove the device and repair damage…. This content is for Free Vintage Pattern of the Month Club members only.Register Already a member? Log in here...